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Insurance policy options

Why Insurance is Essential for Glaziers

If you own and operate a glazier business, you will understand the risks and rewards of working with glass. Having suitable glazier insurance is essential not only to protect your financial and physical health but also to protect the future of your business. While identifying potential risks and taking the necessary steps to reduce these is useful, one wrong move can quickly lead to breakages or injuries. Selecting the right insurance combination can be challenging; your glazier business may be left vulnerable if you’re not adequately covered. For over 25 years, Atlantic Insurance has been offering trade insurance for a range of industries and businesses of all sizes.

Is your current Insurance covering you?

The nature of the glazier’s work can be dangerous. From the risk of injury by broken glass, sharp edges of glass sheets, and sharp splinters to the risk of falls from heights. There’s also the potential impact of using strong chemicals or injury while handling heavy items. Aside from personal injury, glaziers also risk liability for injury to others or accidental property damage.

Improper insurance coverage can be detrimental and leave you unable to receive coverage when misfortune inevitably strikes, leading to financial loss. Furthermore, you may also need help to defend yourself against legal liabilities or to pay legal costs. Atlantic Insurance brokers can help you obtain the right amount for your glazier business.

Essential insurance policies for glaziers

1. Public and Products Liability Insurance

Comprehensive public and product liability coverage is a glazier’s most crucial insurance element. This type of glazier insurance cover protects you and your business against claims by a third party of injury or property damage from your negligence.

As explained by Product Safety Australia, product liability cover is crucial for all businesses that manufacture, import or supply goods in commerce or trade. Under Australian Consumer Law, a consumer can seek compensation from a manufacturer who has supplied a product that has been found responsible for any loss or damage a consumer has experienced. This policy will protect your glazier business if the products you provide lead to claims of harm to the consumer.

Public and product liability insurance can also include a provision of care, custody, and control insurance. This policy offers cover for situations wherein another person’s property or product is temporarily in your safekeeping. This includes any leased equipment or borrowed property you do not own, which is not covered in other general liability policies.

2. Workers Compensation Insurance

This insurance policy is often compulsory for any company with employees to protect themselves and any workers in the event of an accident. This insurance policy works to relieve the financial strain of accident recovery and can cover any other associated costs, including loss of income due to an inability to work.

3. Business Insurance

This insurance policy will cover you for the property you run your business from. This can include a factory or warehouse that you either lease or own and can be tailored to protect the building, stock, and any other contents from a range of perils, including fire, accidental or malicious damage and storms. Some business insurance policies also offer business interruption insurance, which provides you gross profit protection if a claim event adversely impacts your business premises.

4. Tools Insurance

As a glazier, your tools are the way you make money. If they are stolen, damaged or lost, it will impact your ability to deliver services to your customers. Tools insurance protects your tools and allows you to replace or repair them as soon as possible so you can get back to work.

5. Injury and illness insurance

You may not receive any income if you can’t work because of injury or illness. This type of Insurance compensates if you become ill or injured and are unfit to work. Benefit periods vary and can be as long as five years, with a waiting period as low as two weeks. Our Client Managers can help tailor a policy for you and your situation.

6. Commercial motor insurance

If your business uses commercial motor vehicles to carry out glass installation services, it is a good idea to carry a Commercial Motor Insurance policy. This type of insurance policy will cover any car, the unique accessories, and frames designed to transport glass and protect against claims of third-party damage.

Get comprehensive, affordable glaziers insurance with Atlantic Insurance

Atlantic Insurance brokers deal with several insurance companies that have an in-depth understanding of the varied risks involved with the glazier industry. With a team of expert Client Managers, we can engage with these Insurers and develop tailored, comprehensive insurance plans for your Glazing Business. Contact us at (03) 9836 3733 to receive an insurance quote today.

Any information contained on this page of the website is general advice only and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Your should consider these, having regard to the appropriateness of this advice and the relevant Product Disclosure Statement (‘PDS’), Target Market Determination (‘TMD’) and Financial Services Guide (‘FSG’), which will be provided following any formal recommendation to you.

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